Tuesday 20 December 2011

A Year Ago Today...


Hello Dollies,
I cannot believe it was a whole Year Ago Today that I won National Covergirl ! 
When I saw the date I KNEW something made today important but I didnt have a clue what! And then it hit me to check my Blog Posts! So I did JUST that and BOOM There was my entry for 20th December 2010 saying how grateful I was to everyone who voted making something I wished for, come true!

Anyway if any of you dear readers want to become Covergirl or National Covergirl, just let me know and I will be happy to help!



  1. Congrats :) NCG is a BIG achievement! XD

  2. Hi, can you help me to become NCG/CG my username is Misshussain1 x Thank you

  3. Congrats! You did great as it's really hard to win CG/NCG! Could you maybe help me? My username is emmamooney15
    Thanks!! ♥
